To all the lovely leos,
my tempometer today reached the trip level when I was about to cry watching all the videos of being together singing ,laughing,teasing,gossiping ,partying and proudly boasting all true about leoism.
somewhere in the corner of my system had this folder named 'leo yaadein' and as a matter of fact after more than one year I was watching all of us in deshpandey,monarch,17 degrees,madhulika on 'bank more' roads ,in MC-45,in college canteen,in mandir,at main gate and the glimpse made all my dusted memories fresh and green.
Once a leo always a leo became alive watching these videos and snapshots of those moments which are strong enough to shoo out any blueness anytime.
our batch MOC where suraj's quoting the adjectives to invite me on stage was actually scripted by me only,
where class ki ladkiyaan tanmoy ko bhaiya keh gayin,where the accent and style icon guda made the magnum opus really a great finish
,where our first backstage experiment though were bad from our part but being encouraged and applauded by seniors,where dancing natraj was being portrayed as some kind of 'noone'
,where we three used to stick together and try to reduce the length of our converstions with them as many times as possible,when we used to make newly born giggles and gossips about the newly made leomates,when our bondings started taking a new shape,new form,when we started forming a nice team,a great team,
when we started loving our company we started finding chances to party again and again,when we waited for b'days and events,when we two hypothetically tasted laii courtsey to our great duos and on the same day when the other two enjoyed their chicken,
when we started feeling 'j' at times our love were shared,when we started doing CDMs with reasons,without reasons,when we were being recognised for one reason of being a leo,when we started sharing,aaahhhhhhhhwe were at the top of the world.we had the best times ever.
Though watching the rotated videos recorded by pankhuri with a tilted neck on the system was a little tough but
tempo raised to see us in pre FOYC days in DPA.deciding the themes,those glittery hands and faces where last finish to some undone pieces is given
,where the hangouts are to be floored on the stage first as in to solve the jigsaw puzzle,painting the emblems and the red circle,thinking of some new unused fonts and the color combination,finally cutting the lcd borders and utilising all the mixed glitters
,stiching the pieces together making use of taller guys in the club,taking rehearsals of juniors together with all sorts of helpful suggestions,the most important being"leos don,t practice.they are always spontaneous on screen",
having secret and private refreshment meetings in the green room sponsored by the honorable treasurer in the absence of president and guda,discussing some anti other club activities and strategies,writing and enjoying the heaviest and most convincing voice of hello guru
,scripting president,s and secretary speech where the only two times when they lifted their face towards audience were to welcome and then to say thanks at the end,
launching of souveneirs and standing behind the pool of great people of our institute giving poses to the flashlights,smashing the foy cake and then dancing off all day hard work on the floor.
The evertime buttered affection of lovely juniors and our free suggestions used to wave in an air of freshness and excitement to stay in DPA as long as possible where the hardest job to take written permission from supri for the girls.
We got all the fair chances to care and love and pamper a lot of lovely people:our batchmates,our sweet juniors and cute grand juniors.
Every get together used to be a great moment and the hangovers used to be huge.Our efforts to make our happening secretary and tough looking presi laugh a bit in the meetings,tale twisting and wrapping up with thoughts
,the talking distance from MC-45 to GH ,shining lapel buttons and passing on the chits ,banging the giant bell with the hammer pronouncing the end of meeting,the robotic impression of leo club during first general meeting and raising the bar during briefing:all seemed to be undelible experiences and some beautiful chunks of leo club that gifted us so many beautiful memories and acquaintances
.Handing over the club is always a difficult job for every batch because from then onwards,one day in each week at 5:00 clock inthe evening we would miss something big very badly but agin it is always nice to see the legacy being carried on successfully and even better.
It was always hard to depart and attend the last meeting with all those whom we loved ,we cared,we pampered I love all of you for you being yourself when we used to be together,laughing,talking,flirting,teasing and enjoying.These are like raising our right hand and repeating again and again we are the grand leos who have got all the rights to be happy and hearty forever.good luck to all of you and god bless............