let's say""

A new Calender with new dates and new tasks with few surprises and goodies of delight and 365 more days of uncertainity in the fold of destiny.Let us be ready for all the changes in the chapters of this year book of 2012.

Friday, December 10, 2010


They say dreams never come true,
But at the first day of school
When you become a favourite green horn
get full house buddies
When you receive too many hands
bungling in the lunchbox
And people start calling you by name.
You come closer.
They say dreams never come true.
But during the results
when you get hugs and bashes,
lots of cheer
benisons to beget.
When you see your work yielding smiles
And flowing credits
adding to the shine.
You come closer.
They say dreams never come true
But when your first salary is at you hands
compliments on the way
When donnism prevails and liturgical essence paid.
When you feel intrepid and more
To finally look inward and explore.
You come closer.
They say dreams never come true
But when you see
 in his eyes
And he stares back
for long……
You talk to stars
about him
And even get replies.
You frame your picture
and write your stories
He comes in
To be a part of it.
You come closer.
They say dreams never come true
But dreams bring closer to construe.
To realise its says and signs
To know that they are all mine.
Happy it is to feel that I came closer
To what I dreamt and wished for
Giving way to new budding fancies to bore
I wish to have more and more dreams
In different forms and variant colours
To get happy gleams and a lively lodger.

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